Air Liquide Christchurch Filling Facility Opening – September 2018

We were extremely proud to work alongside the Air Liquide NZ team to plan and deliver their Christchurch Filling Facility opening in September 2018. The event had a high degree of health and safety planning required, along with provision for hosting VIP’s, including the French Ambassador.

Event partners:

Photography: Krystle Photography
AV: Shipleys Audiovisual
Catering:Moveable Feasts
Local Iwi engagement: Ko Tane Maori Cultural Experience
Equipment hire: Happyhire
Florals: Ilam Florist

#airliquide #momentsmagicmemories #popupparty #christchurchevents #10yearsofcollectiveconcepts #christchurcheventplanner #christchurcheventmanager #collectiveconceptsnz #christchurchhospitality #christchurchtourism

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