Collective Concepts – Why we’re choosing good
Ever wondered what Collective Concepts is all about? Grab a coffee, a wine, a cocktail, read on and put that wonder to rest 😉
New year, new….we’ll nothing actually. We’re still passionately focused on creating magic, moments and memories for our people after almost 12 years. We’ve said it a thousand times and we’ll say it again, it’s the people that make every aspect of Collective Concepts what is it; our clients, our guests, our suppliers, our community. You!
Having taken some time to reflect over the holidays I’ve realised that while we are great story tellers of our clients intentions, we are often not so vocal about our own. So it’s time to fill you in on why we’ll be showing up in 2020.
You will hear a lot about #eventsforgood from us this year…it’s where we have evolved to as a business, what makes us get up in the morning, and is a real affirmation about what Collective Concepts is here to do. You could call it our mission, our mantra, our promise.
#eventsforgood is a place for our values to be proudly displayed. Think integrity, collaboration, professionalism, innovation, accountability and authenticity. That’s what you’ll experience with us, and what we’ll expect from you, when you choose to engage with Collective Concepts. That’s right, it’s a partnership and it’s the only way we choose to work. It doesn’t matter if you’re on our team, a client, or a supplier, we all need to be working towards the same goal; collaboratively, kindly and with positive intent. And you know what, if we do this our initial concepts become collective plans and TOGETHER we can achieve incredible outcomes.
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably wondering what #eventsforgood look like? It’s easy really, it’s what we’ve always done, right from day one, it’s:
⭐️ Weddings…love is GOOD, right?!
⭐️ Events…celebrating success, new opportunity, the memories, our community, our learnings, our people…all the GOOD bits.
⭐️ Brand engagement…we’re focused on working in the event, hospitality and tourism space because we know it intimately and we believe that a united approach to brand and business centered events, campaigns and guest experience (yes, this includes the all important front line training) are all GOOD…engagement, economics, employment. Enough said.
⭐️ Thinking about our environmental footprint and the happiness of our people when we are planning and creating the magic…let’s call this being GOOD humans.
⭐️ Collaborating over competing…working with the GOOD people in all the right moments. Yes people, it takes a village!
⭐️ Giving GOOD…for us this mostly means offering time and resource both professionally and personally. Working with our not for profit clients, giving to our chosen charity, Heartfelt, mentoring and training our future workforce, sharing ideas, learning more, working mindfully, and towards the ever illusive work/life balance.
So, it’s simple, really simple. But it’s taken almost 12 years to be able to truly articulate why Collective Concepts was founded, how it’s evolved, and where we fit today. We know our place, we love our place, and we know #eventsforgood – are you with us?
Yours in everything good,
Kate & the Collective Concepts team
#collectiveconceptsnz #christchurchevents #christchurchwedding #yourbrandisourbusiness